Friday, July 30, 2010

Byron D. (Deak) Gwinn Obits

Byron "Deak" Gwinn is notorious for shooting his brother-in-law, Liberty Snooks, to death for "Callin' Ma a liar." I've written about him before as I am fascinated by the story.
Here are two obits for Deak Gwinn. One is from the Humeston New Era, where Deak lived, and the other is from the Chariton Herald Patriot, the county seat where he was tried and sent to prison.
Missing from both is any mention of his wife, Ora nee Durland. I am very curious what ever happened to Ora.

Cleo Marie (Kent) Gwinn Obit

Cleo Marie Kent married Andrew Albert Gwinn on Feb 28th, 1931. Her sister, Zella Mabel Kent married Andrew's brother Willie Butch (Bill) Gwinn on June 22, 1935.
Many of thier decendents still reside in the Lucas County area.

Cynthia or Sintha Gwinn

Although she was called Cynthia Gwinn in her obit, I believe she thought of herself as Sintha. That is how her name is written on her headstone. Since her husband Samuel Keller Gwinn preceeded her in death by many years, I've always assumed she put up the headstone. Of course, it is also possible, perhaps probable, that she was also illiterate and could not spell her own name.
I'll leave the issue up in the air.