Thursday, September 20, 2007

Haven't Posted in a While

It's been a short summer with little time for the computer. I've run into a few things I need to post and I've had two distant Iowa Gwinns contact me, both decendents of Ephriam.
As winter approaches I hope to get more indoor time and get some of this stuff posted.
I'll leave you with this Obit for Cynthia Gwinn (sometimes spelled Cintha or Sintha):
Cynthia Gwinn was born in West Va., October 11th, 1827, and died at her late home here August 7, 1921, making her age 93 years, 9 months, and 26 days. She was the daughter of John and Sarah Gwinn and was of a family of thirteen children. On October 10th, 1848, she was united in marriage to Samuel Gwinn and to this union were born eleven children, four of whom are still living, namely A. J. Gwinn of Lucas , Iowa, Mrs. Rachel J. Snook of Derby, Mrs. Irene Lowe and Mrs. Mado Davidson, of Humeston, Iowa. Mrs. Qwinn and her husband came to this country in 1849 and lived here ever since that time with the exception of a few months they spent in Wapalo county. Mr. Samuel Gwinn died about 33 years ago.